Wednesday 15 September 2010

Oh AmsterDAMN!

Just over a week ago, about this time i was on a building site in Peterborough, life was pretty straight forward, i'd go to work after not much sleep, try and work for 8 hours, make some money and go home. Which for a while, worked pretty well, and then, like most things i seem to be involved in for too long, went rapidly south. I woke up on Thursday last week, and couldn't face any of it, i couldn't face work, or the fact my life had become one massive routine and needed out pretty quickly. So upon waking up, and without a phone/alarm, this meant upon waking up a bit late, i posed the question of just leaving to Amsterdam, one way for however long feels right. Claudia, being the second most stubborn person i know, probably next to myself, was always going to agree to such a ridiculous plan on the basis i'd definitely ridicule her if she said no. So following this decision things proceeded pretty quickly. We packed up stuff, booked flights and bus tickets and then saw a few friends on Thursday night to say bye to, then by Friday we left, just like that.

Getting into Amsterdam was pretty crazy, it was a Friday night and everywhere was booked up, although this only became apparent after a few hours of searching with some heavy bags. We just ended up in the Grasshopper for a few hours before heading back to the airport at about 12 and sleeping there, which was pretty bleak, kinda of felt reasonably homeless for a night. Since then though stuffs been pretty good, we check into bob's hostel early Saturday morning which felt pretty amazing to have a place to stay for 3 nights. Since then we've done some pretty cool stuff, met some amazing people and heard some awesome stories, literally been more chilled out than humanly possible. On Monday we went to this theme park that i used to go to when i was a kid called Efteling. After a few rides we took these psychedelic truffles which made the day ridiculously amazing. Going around for a few hours laughing and stuff like this was pretty beautiful.

But generally being as far away from my old reality as possible has been pretty cool. But it's about time to go find a job and stop spending so much money out here, so i'm gunna go give that a shot and let you know how it goes

Sunday 5 September 2010

Monkey Dust

For every day that i'm awake, i'll probably spend some time within it thinking about how much i miss Monkey Dust, which if you haven't been told about or seen or heard of or stumbled across or pretended you knew what i was talking about to fit in, it's a cartoon sketch series from about 7 years ago. Now i'm not saying that it was the best show of all time ever, it probably wasn't, but it was a beautiful display of the bleak hilarity of many of societies short comings, presented in the blackest of comedic ways. Now if you know me, and my age, and have already done the maths, you'll realise when i first actually used to watch it, i was all of 11 years old, and if you know me now, i can only really hold this show fully accountable to how i am now. I'm not too sure what other 11 year olds did, but i used to stay up late, watch shit like this on bbc3 (when bbc3 first started and wasn't the massive pile of crap that it is now), and actually get it! Should 11 year old's understand why the subject matter of things such as paedophilia, suicide, cottaging and nazis are funny? Well that's for society to decide, but i definitely wouldn't find people's crippling sadness as funny as i do if i hadn't so successfully warped my mind at a beautifully young age.

As far a s favourite characters go, i've probably got two. First being Clive, a middle aged man, with unbelievably low self esteem, whose lies to his wife consist of overly well know plot lines to films, stories and portions of history, and for the reality to be a disgustingly gritty sexual act. It's so beautiful because of just because of how much we know he's ashamed of his entire life, and tries to mask it all behind elaborate ridiculous lies. That kind of shit is just beautiful, the contrast of reality to fantasy just looking as the bleak nature of the real world compared to the escapist bullshit we see in media.

Second, and probably favourite of all time, is Timmy and his dad. Partly because it reminded me, in an obviously more bleak and morbid way, of going round to my dad's for the weekend after my parents got divorced, and how it was just a bit like you'd, or at least they'd feel obliged to try and do exciting stuff with you because you didn't see them all the time. Also i think in some sadistic way a little bit of me wanted to just be a massive cunt about the situation but could never really bring myself to do it. I mean not make my dad kill himself, but you know, fuck with shit a bit....
Anyway if you've never watched it you're a massive cunt and need to go lock yourself away in a room and don't speak to me again till you've watch all 3 seasons, then we can be friends.

Monkey Dust - Yuppies from Slinky Pictures on Vimeo.

Oh yer the yuppies are also awesome

Saturday 4 September 2010

So hey, I haven't even attempted to write a blog in well over a year, but the other day a few of us decided we should follow through with our ridiculous suggestions and write some blogs, i'm not too sure why. I think it's cus we were talking about our fascination in blogs such as this, which i recommend you try read. take note of the over usage of the word 'derk'ed' (already a bad start), but also if after about 2 minutes of reading you don't want to kill things, then my blog is really not going to cater to your needs because you're clearly not pissed off enough by the right things. If however reading that made you be violently ill and so angry you've almost burst a blood vessel in your head then you're gunna be all about this shit.

If you hadn't already realised this post is going to be overly extensive so i hope you're down for that cus there's a fair few weeks of ridiculous activity I'm gunna be brushing over. 4 disposable cameras worth infact, and although I'll be talking about stuff i, and people i've been with have done, you'll pretty soon realise we don't actually do anything, but I'm going to cleverly portray the things we don't do in such a way that makes our live seem intense and interesting.

So the disposable camera thing only started happening after at 3 in the morning one night we had nothing to do and decided to drive to Brighton and fuck about there for the day, and after taking a trip to boots when it opened at the what seemed depressingly late time of 11, the cameras were bought and started off by taking a picture of the aptly named 'turdy' having a shit.

Although this maybe the pinnacle of all the photos taken, there's still some other weird shit that got phototed that i guess i can kill some time by showing you

We'll just have to come to terms with the fact 12 year olds have always, and will always be sluts

Mints for the people


Don't be alarmed, but, i think i might be Jesus.

Make of that what you will really

Pretty much the most frustrating thing in the world knowing you have pizza and ice cream, but not being able to get it.

We also built some houses...

So yer that's pretty much a few weeks in pictures, and that's all i have to show for it. There would be some awesome ones of home-made tattooing, but non of them came out which is just so depressing, but mark my words if they were there, you'd be amazed. Anyway, do you ever get that thing where you used to be completely obsessed with a band or an album and then completely forget about it for a few years, then when you come back to it, it's like the feeling you'd probably get if you were a heroin addict and after like two weeks of having fuck all heroin in your life someone just gives you a shit load and the next 8 hours are just fucking awesome...? Anyway recently that's happened again with songs for the deaf by queens of the stone age. mainly because apart from the album being fucking amazing, the first song on it, the millionaire one, is just literally orgasmic. if you've also forgotten about it go listen right now. Serious if you don't I'll be nothing short of livid. I dunno what it is about it, it's just the kind of song you imagine Romain Gavras making a video of French people finding some prejudice against cripples or some shit and pushing them all in one massive pit in the middle of the desert or whatever, and doing it really aggressively and shit like that. you know what he's like, the rascal. More to the point he has a film coming out, and the trailer looks grittier than resorting to sucking a German business man's dick in public toilets to pay for your food... it's all in French and what not so i dunno what's going on, but the pictures excite me. have a look anyway and stop judging me... dick.

notre jour viendra - feature film trailer from ROMAIN-GAVRAS on Vimeo.