Sunday 5 September 2010

Monkey Dust

For every day that i'm awake, i'll probably spend some time within it thinking about how much i miss Monkey Dust, which if you haven't been told about or seen or heard of or stumbled across or pretended you knew what i was talking about to fit in, it's a cartoon sketch series from about 7 years ago. Now i'm not saying that it was the best show of all time ever, it probably wasn't, but it was a beautiful display of the bleak hilarity of many of societies short comings, presented in the blackest of comedic ways. Now if you know me, and my age, and have already done the maths, you'll realise when i first actually used to watch it, i was all of 11 years old, and if you know me now, i can only really hold this show fully accountable to how i am now. I'm not too sure what other 11 year olds did, but i used to stay up late, watch shit like this on bbc3 (when bbc3 first started and wasn't the massive pile of crap that it is now), and actually get it! Should 11 year old's understand why the subject matter of things such as paedophilia, suicide, cottaging and nazis are funny? Well that's for society to decide, but i definitely wouldn't find people's crippling sadness as funny as i do if i hadn't so successfully warped my mind at a beautifully young age.

As far a s favourite characters go, i've probably got two. First being Clive, a middle aged man, with unbelievably low self esteem, whose lies to his wife consist of overly well know plot lines to films, stories and portions of history, and for the reality to be a disgustingly gritty sexual act. It's so beautiful because of just because of how much we know he's ashamed of his entire life, and tries to mask it all behind elaborate ridiculous lies. That kind of shit is just beautiful, the contrast of reality to fantasy just looking as the bleak nature of the real world compared to the escapist bullshit we see in media.

Second, and probably favourite of all time, is Timmy and his dad. Partly because it reminded me, in an obviously more bleak and morbid way, of going round to my dad's for the weekend after my parents got divorced, and how it was just a bit like you'd, or at least they'd feel obliged to try and do exciting stuff with you because you didn't see them all the time. Also i think in some sadistic way a little bit of me wanted to just be a massive cunt about the situation but could never really bring myself to do it. I mean not make my dad kill himself, but you know, fuck with shit a bit....
Anyway if you've never watched it you're a massive cunt and need to go lock yourself away in a room and don't speak to me again till you've watch all 3 seasons, then we can be friends.

Monkey Dust - Yuppies from Slinky Pictures on Vimeo.

Oh yer the yuppies are also awesome

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